October 20, 2014

Jim Harbaugh Halloween

Jim Harbaugh Halloween

Jim Harbaugh Halloween by hchdesigns featuring grey pants

Uh... Halloween is only 11 days away!! What the?? I swear the older I get the faster the weeks go by and the very fact that I'm saying that makes me feel really old... omg...
Anyhoo... Do you have you costume picked out yet?? Here's what I think would be a smash of a costume especially for couples... I don't know about you but I find it hilarious when couples dress identical in something unexpected and honestly I don't like typical costumes..
I like ones that tend to be a little more ironic...
So today in memory of the horrible football game we played last night, ugh, I don't want to talk about it... I give you Jim Harbaugh for Halloween..Pleated Dockers-check! Black shirt tucked in-check! The key to this costume working is all in your facial expressions and your body language... While having the clip board tucked into the back of your pants...

 I'll be posting all week some fun and creative ideas for last minute costumes that you could recreate with minimal effort.. Have a Happy Monday and let's all move on from the blood bath that was Sunday Night Football.. shaking my head...

Venus Trapped in Mars

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